DEWALT Racing Team are looking to register to the 2023 ATR1000 event once doors are open, they competed last year and whilst finishing in the mid pack both drivers Chatt and

Simons had a blast and enjoyed the day, they had race under Racekraft Simulation Racing and felt they represented the team well however this year they will show support for Racekraft Simulation Racing they have shifted over to DEWALT Racing Team and currently have their race car in the paint shop and then they’ll arrange a launch.

Simons was heard saying he was glad that the team finished last year as the team knows how the mountain can pull you in a wreak any drivers race, the walls can seem to close up on the track and the track then looks to become narrower as the day goes on. The number 146 McLaren looks a treat on the grid but by the end of the day the build up of scratches and dirt was very much noticeable by the team manager. 2023 has been a bit of a hard year for the team during the Championship season at Austeam Racing with one driver needing a new engine build which took much longer than expected however the wait for the new power plant was worth every month and we have seen some positive rounds to date.

Simons bringing the car home in the later part of the day

By admin