For those looking to regisyer be sure to get in early as registrations are filling quick, we have received a few teams looking to take on the mountain and hoping to be there at the end. Austeam Racing welcome drivers in the Ociana

All EVENT RULES with more DETAILED INFORMATION can be found via above menu.

This event is also open to all non ATR members in our oceanic region that may wish to take part, but must fall below our max. 250ping policy to race. If a team car is seen warping/glitching on track with a high ping, the whole team will unfortunately be instantly disqualified. If in doubt, Ping tests can be done beforehand here.. setting it to a “Brisbane” host.

If you have any questions, please feel free to message one of our organizers Gavin, Skid or Haydyn via the following website link…

By admin